Why Ramadan is important to muslims?

.Ramadan is the holiest month of the year. there are several reasons why Ramadan      
important.first,Ramadan spreads the peace into people’s heart .therefore, everyone treats each othe 
kindly even all muslims from the whole world share the same expressions.Second, everyone is happy to help poor people by giving them charities.for example ,some people make iftar boxes and distribute it. Also, some people create iftar booths so everyone is welcome to join.Finally, Ramadan combines the families and relatives together as they mostly everyday visit each other in order to celebrate ,eat iftar meal ,and pray taraweeh in the in of the day.moreover, there are lots of families away from their friends and relatives ,so they travel all the way just to-celebrate and Spend the whole month together. To conclude, Ramadan impacts on people’s lives positively ,for the more worship they do the closer .toAllah they will reach

Arjwan Alamoudi 
