A Good Friend That Everyone Looking For/by Renad aljohani

              Becoming a good friend is not hard if you follow some easy and doable steps. The first step you should follow is to be honest. Telling the truth will outshine in any friendship You should never lie on your friends. Second, you need to be reliable. Your friends must get a strong sense that they trust you. Third, as a thump rule always guard your friend’s secrets. Do not share their secrets with others. This one is a simple but affective step that will leave your friendship on a higher pedestal. The next step is to give time to your friends. You can schedule weekly friend dates and spend time with them. This step will not only create memories , but also will gives you happiness. Finally, be loyal to your friends. Loyalty is the guard of any friendship. When your friends need you, be there for them and support them. Indeed, if you follow these golden steps, you will be a better friend and your friendship will be unbreakable that last for so long.
