Why Should People Follow A Healthy Lifestyle?/ By: Elaf Ahmed

  Following a healthy lifestyle can be hard and it often requires changing a person’s mindset. However, the effects and earnings are far-reaching , regardless of anything that may stop them. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps in improving cardiovascular health, boosting the immune system, and increasing energy levels. Walking instead of driving, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, pacing while talking on the phone are all simple habits, yet they cause people to feel lighter and more energetic. A healthy lifestyle pays off for the mind, too. According to researchers , physical activities stimulate the production of endorphin thus,  people feel happier and relaxed. Not only that,  but Other habits as volunteering and communicating with people more frequently give rise to improved mood and mental functioning by keeping the mind active and Serotonin levels balanced.  following a healthy lifestyle results in preventing certain health conditions such as heart disease, strokes, and high blood pressure. Besides, scheduling and every year physical examination along with following the doctor’s recommendations, consequent in avoiding diseases and being updated on a person’s health condition. Overall, although bad habits are hard to break and healthy habits can seem too much to keep up with, the results and earnings will make it worth it if they considered the effects it has on health and mood.

Elaf Ahmed
