No More Junk Food! / By: Jana Haressi

Have you ever tried to quit junk food but you couldn’t? It is not difficult to stop eating junk food if you follow these four instructions. First, the most important step is to take your time in reducing your consumption of this food . Do not suddenly deprive your self of it, and do a step-by-step plan. For example, You can make a schedule, and specify that in this month you can eat junk food twice and the month after it just once. Keep doing it until your body get used to eat less junk food than before. Second, remember that you have to be careful about what comes into your body. Read about how many risks can caused by junk food in reliable sources. As soon as you know how it can be dangerous, you will not eat it anymore. Next, make relationships with healthy people. Eating with a friend is the easiest way to start eating what your friend eats. In other word, if you keep eating with a healthy friend in work or school, you will be able to accept this food and get used to it. Finally, try to cook junk food in a healthy way. You can avoid this kind of food if you know that there is another way to make it, which is also healthier. Learn how to cook it in your home by watching programs about healthy food or reading books that contains a lot of healthy recipes. In this way, you can enjoy eating the food you like and have a great health at the same time. In short, by following these fundamental steps, you can easily quit junk food and have a healthy life.
Jana Hareesi
