The Best Way with a New Language / By: Rowgyah Fallatah

         Although learning a new language could be difficult, following these simple steps make it more easier. First, the most important step in learning a new language is to set goals for yourself. Get yourself a goal-only list to write down all the goals you want to achieve. Second, you can now start with vocabulary. Vocabulary is important in any language, so you can learn it by writing them in pieces of papers then paste them in everywhere in your room. Also, reading kid’s stories and watching movies will be a great idea in learning the vocabulary. Third, practice speaking a lot. Practice speaking in learning the language is very important, so try to practice in front of a mirror or with your friends who can speak the language. Finally, you must continue your learning. You can avoid giving up by customize your routine to fit your goals. Another great way to keep yourself motivated is to find a teacher who can provide support. In conclusion, if you followed these important steps to learn a new language, you will be able to achieve progress in less time.

Rowgyah Fallatah
