Why are Fast food Restaurants Popular? / by: Leen AlGhamdi
            The popularity of fast food restaurants has been in continuous increase ever since World War 2. Research studies have shown that over 75% of people prefer fast food restaurants over most restaurants for several causes. The most obvious cause behind this increasing popularity is the low cost of these restaurants. Fast food joints are known for being the least expensive out of all restaurants. For that reason, people prefer eating from or at it. In addition, with the current high economy, people would rather have cheap meals from such joints in order to save money for other things. Another important cause is that fast food restaurants are convenient. Nowadays, people are too busy with and commitments that they barely have to cook a meal for themselves. They appreciate anything that saves them time, and that is fast. Because of fast food joints quick serving, most people choose to enjoy a quick meal from them rather than wasting time on cooking. The final cause behind the popularity of these restaurants is its availability everywhere and anytime. For instance, fast food chains such as McDonalds and Burger King are known for having hundreds of thousands of branches world-wide. Due to this, people anywhere in the globe can easily access these restaurants. Moreover, most fast food companies created a new option that increases its availability, which is the delivery option. Because of this option, the demand on these restaurants in creased dramatically. In shirt, because of its low cost, convenience, and availability, the fast food industry will increase in popularity as the demand on it is rising.
