Causes of an Unhealthy Lifestyle/ By: Wejdan Alghamdi

   Some people around the globe follow an unhealthy lifestyle because of these three common causes. The first cause is the influence of their family's lifestyle. A person who lives with their family is usually considered blessed and lucky, however, if the family lives an unhealthy lifestyle, it can be hard to switch to a healthy one. They will follow their family in the diet. Moreover, some families depend on one kind of diet which does not contain all the vitamins and minerals. Second, people are having a lack of time. For example, people nowadays find it hard to exercise due to their busy schedules. As a result of the lack of time to prepare healthy food, they will go over to fast-food restaurants which make them live an unhealthy lifestyle. Another factor of an unhealthy lifestyle is limited knowledge. Even though people now have easy access to healthy tips online, many still don’t have enough knowledge to a healthy lifestyle. Lack of knowledge regarding diet,  And the best type of exercise for their bodies leads to an unhealthy lifestyle. In conclusion, people follow an unhealthy lifestyle because of their way of living. I recommended people to maintain healthy body weight by exercising and eating regularly, so by 2021 they will have a healthy lifestyle.

Wejdan Alghamdi
