Healthy Lifestyle Effects /by:Miral Alshikhi

Healthy Lifestyle Effects

Nowadays, there are a lot of restaurants and frozen foods take huge place in people live dangerously, so they have to avoid it by adopting a healthy diet because of these three positive affects of the healthy life style.One of the most positive affects of healthy lifestyle is that it reduces the risk of serious diseases. There are many serious diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart attack, and asthma that people suffer from. As a result, they are following  healthy lifestyle to avoid these diseases.Another positive effect is that it leads to lose weight easily. obesity and diabetes are one of the main causes for people to do affective exercise to lose weight.Furthermore, most girls want to be like models. Consequently, they have their own healthy lifestyle. The final positive affect of healthy lifestyle is that it helps students’ memory to improve.Students in all over the world suffer from wake memory particulary in exam time.According to some scientists is this asks you because of the few sleeping hours and lock of drinking water. All in all, it is recommended that everyone should have his/her on healthy life style.Reducing the risk of diseases, losing weight and improving students’ memory or all the main positive effects of healthy lifestyle. 
Writer:Miral Alshikhi 
