Why Would Teenagers Smoke? / By: Lama Tonkal

         Many avid smokers begin smoking during adolescence, so parents should be aware of the three common causes of smoking among teenagers. Due to the hormonal changes the teenage body goes through, they are more prone to enjoy smoking. This is because the hormones associated with risk-taking are more active during adolescence. Moreover, mood swings and low self-esteem can lead to depressive episodes. One solution teenagers might consider to deal with this depression is smoking, for it releases chemicals in the brain that induce pleasure and relaxation. Secondly, a large number of teenagers struggle with being misunderstood by people around them and seek independence, so they rebel. This rebellion can take form in smoking as it is dangerous and frowned upon. Consequently, since they made such a bold decision, they feel as though they have more control over their lives. The most common reason for smoking among teenagers is the need to fit in. They may see their parents or friends smoking and feel encouraged or even pressured to smoke as well. Similarly, social media and the entertainment industry portray smoking as fashionable and attractive, making teenagers’ point of view on smoking terrifyingly positive. All in all, the smoking epidemic will kill many young souls too easily and cause more diseases to emerge, so teenagers should hold themselves back from smoking in order to stop this vicious cycle from continuing into the future. 
Lama Tonkal 
