Dealing with Stage Fright / By: Lama Tonkal

         Presenting on stage can be incredibly stressful and even scary, but if you follow these simple steps, you will own the stage and impress everyone in the crowd. First, start by making very detailed cue cards. To explain, write down not only what you will say but also the appropriate hand gestures and where you will stand on the stage. This will help you imagine exactly what you will do, so that you can feel more in control. Then familiarize yourself with the stage as much as possible. For example, go to the stage before you present and stand on it alone. Dance on it, lie down and roll around it, jump on top of it, and even run across it. After that, you will surely not feel like the stage is intimidating, and it will be much easier to stand on it on the big day. The third step is to practice, practice, practice. Try filming yourself while you present or do it in front of a mirror until you feel at ease with the script. Furthermore, present in front of your family and friends, and remember that the bigger the crowd, the more prepared you will become. The final step is to surround yourself with familiar faces and take deep breaths before you step on the stage. Keeping people you know nearby and in the audience can help it feel less daunting and more like another rehearsal day. Similarly, meditate by breathing deeply, clearing your head of all negative thoughts, and reminding yourself of all the hard work you put into this presentation. In the end, after doing this process, you will be well on your way to shining on the brightest of stages, stress-free and fully confident.  

Lama Tonkal
